Monday, 28 April 2014

Introductory blog - catharsis

Hello there! 

My name is Emily and I am 22. My 23rd birthday is slowly creeping up on me and I'm not entirely happy with this - I'm not keen on odd numbers.   

  As for the name of my blog for the moment 'Can I decide later?' - this pretty much sums me up. Never one for being able to make an executive decision, I have come to the conclusion, as usual, that I will decide later. On that note, to be honest I'm not entirely sure where this blog is going to take me. I don't have a set direction with what I am going to be writing about - maybe it will take form as some kind of catharsis from my 7 day a week working life. I more than likely will not be writing often due to the work load I have somehow burdened myself with. Many of you write about health and beauty & travel, and whilst this is what would probably gain me popularity, I just don't have the time and money to be able to post anything worthwhile very often! If you catch me with my hair looking less than a birds nest, then it is one of the rare occurrences where I have had enough time to work on it! Most of the time I am slapping my make-up on in the car every time I stop at the traffic lights. Not entirely legal but I try to get it mostly done when the car is immobile. 

  I'm a trainee teacher and my life is completely and utterly eclipsed with an ever growing amount of planning, evaluating, reflecting, assessing myself, assessing pupil progress, target setting, revising the new National Curriculum, making resources, writing essays for the University side of the training ON TOP OF classroom work, reading education theory and all of the above over, and over again. I suppose you're now probably thinking to yourselves "Then how has she got the time to sit and write this blog?!" Well, I am at a natural break point. It is the first day of the Easter holidays and I am rewarding myself with some productive procrastination after writing almost 4000 words of a 6000 word essay.

  ASIDE from what has turned in to a pretty negative moan off in my introduction, I am quite a bright and chirpy person. I have a large and very animated family - I live with my grandparents, my sister and my uncle is also living with us for a while. My mum and baby brother also visit on a daily basis. He is just three and I'm entirely sure he is going to be a genius child prodigy. I'm sure many of my posts will probably centre on him in the future. I also have 2 more uncles and 2 aunts whom I am in regular contact with. I have a very supportive and loyal bunch of friends who appreciate that I am going through a tough time with my University work and a weekend job and are supportive of the fact that I'm not in as much contact as I used to be. I also need to thank my boyfriend for the same - the poor guy gets the brunt of a hard day at school or work. It will get easier guys - I'll be back... in a year or so!

  I am a fan of perfume, pink, glitter, toiletries, candles, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Breaking Bad, Vampire Diaries (Ian Somerhalder being a huge factor of my love for this programme,) Trueblood, puppies, animals in general, fairytales, reading (books/magazines/papers etc - the lot!), Disney films, 80's music, EDM, House music, wine, vodka and food and lots more! 


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