Thursday, 8 May 2014

Daily Diaries of a trainee teacher - Link up! (MASSIVELY DELAYED POST WOOPS)

I'm linking up with Diaries of an Essex Girl for daily diaries, as introduced to me by one of my best friends and amazing blogger Lauren, at Tea & Post:

I know I'm like 3 days late. I had every intention of writing this Friday evening after school but I never found the time, so I will write my diary from last Monday to Monday, and I'll do another one soon!

Monday 28th April

I was at school, but regarding teaching I had a pretty easy day. I taught Maths first thing, and team-taught PE last thing and that was all! I spent most of the day carrying out observations, sorting out my folders, planning for my own lessons to be taught throughout the week and working with small groups! Monday evening the fun continued as I stayed at home and prepared for an interview that I had Tuesday morning. I was horrifically nervous for this as I knew the school would hold my dream job. I had previously visited and basically fell in love with the place, from the friendly faces to the positive atmosphere - and the school colour is my favourite! My boyfriend came round after dinner and the poor guy had to sit and watch TV whilst I sat and pored over what I was going to deliver the following morning, but it's nice to have his company whilst doing all this work and I appreciate the fact he takes time from his own evenings to come and give that to me! On the plus side for him, he had complete and utter control over the remote.

This sums up my face all of Monday evening and night. 

Tuesday 29th April
(This is a long one!)

Interview day! I got up ridiculously early at 5:45am, after a restless night, still feeling like I hadn't prepared enough! My interview was to start at 9am, where I would be teaching a half hour lesson to a year group of my choice on a subject of my choice. Thinking I could take advantage of the fact I was clearly first teaching, I thought I would arrive at the school about 8:20am in order to get myself settled and get the classroom ready. Of course, my brain omitted the fact this would probably be unfair to other interviewees, and also it is morning rush hour in a school so the office and staff were incredibly busy! I never managed to be let in until about 8:55am and so I had to go in there and teach right away! I got it out of the way and finished just past 9:30am and had time to return home to wait for my personal interview which would take place at 11:45am. In this space, I managed to consume half of an Easter egg and made myself feel all the more sick before having to go back to the school! During the interview, although the nerves literally had my jittering in my seat, the staff who questioned me quickly made me feel at ease, heightening the hankering I already had for this job! When the interview came to an end, they informed me I would hear the outcome between 4-5pm. I was not sure what to expect when I heard from them, as ever the pessimist, I was focussing on the things that could be improved on from my teaching and interview. I also felt that some of the questions asked and my answers were not informative enough. However, not having time to dwell or rest, I had to rush straight to school where I was to be teaching a Science lesson on habitats. It was a fun and interactive lesson where I had the children playing 'hide and seek' for animals in habitats on the PC, so it went quite well!

Tuesday evening I returned home from school around 5.15pm, still not having heard from the school. I paced the house for another half hour when the phone rang and my heart jumped into my mouth! I heard the chirpy voice of the Headteacher who straight away offered me the position at the school! Words cannot describe how elated I felt. It was all I could do to remain composed on the phone, however I'm pretty sure I did let out a bit of a squeal when she broke the news! In short, Tuesday was a pretty amazing day. It has made the hard work feel like it is really paying off. It's taken SO much pressure off of the end of this PGCE course knowing I am going to be moving into a friendly school where I already felt welcomed even though I had only visited twice previously!

After this news, I rang various family members and my boyfriend to break the news, all of which just made it more real to me! After a view happy tears, I got ready and made my way to my boyfriends house for the evening where unfortunately I still did have some planning to do, however I quickly got this out of the way and we watched some TV!

This is my happy dance!! :) 

Wednesday 30th April

My base class were to be going swimming first thing this morning, so I took the opportunity to go and view a teacher in upper Key Stage 2, where the class are older and more challenging. The teacher is also literacy lead and so it was a fantastic opportunity to go and view shared writing as class modelling in a higher Key Stage. It was a good insight into another class and to view other teaching strategies, and I was invited to come back any time and even have the opportunity to go and teach if there is time when I have finished my directed tasks within my current class. After lunch, I taught Maths and Music. Maths was OK, Music isn't my forte so I can't really say how that went. I can't sing for s**t and was teaching pitch, but the children didn't comment on it and seemed to enjoy it so there we go! Weds eve I was tired so I completed my work at home (usual planning, evaluating, resource making etc) and then went to bed!

Thursday 1st May

I taught English, and ICT today. In English I was to be informally observed prior to my formal observation to take place tomorrow (Friday). ICT was a DISASTER in short because the program I am using to teach the children databases is a crock pot of crap and decided not to work, so I had to blag a lesson and taught them to make their own databases (when this lesson I wanted them to practice browsing a database) most of which didn't save anyway! It went okay though, the children followed my instructions and all managed to save the work. As we all inserted the same information, I will make sure that it is available for each individual child to access for the next lesson. This will probably take up the entirety of next week, but that's the life of a teacher for you!

Friday 2nd May

Although, it was formal observation day :(
I taught maths first thing, then phonics and my formal English was just before lunch time. I taught the kids how to write a recount of their journey to their first ever swimming lessons on Wednesday. It went okay. Standard 'Good' grading. Still have a lot to work on as a trainee but I'll get there! Resources were lacking in this lesson (my own fault). Although my degree is in English Literature, I actually find the subject a lot harder to teach at Primary level than I do maths! Friday evening I spent with my boyfriend, and we watched TV and had an earlyish night as we both had work the next day!

Saturday 3rd May

I had work at the Sweet Shop today! Ye Olde Sweete Shoppe to be exact! Standard day, some nutty customers as per and a lot of banter with the work girlies! I like work at the weekends. It's the nice brain-numbing kind of work I can leave at the shop door when I'm finished, unlike teaching! Although, it's getting VERY hard work, as I'm in school 5 days a week and then in the shop over the weekends! Getting tired. On Saturday eve my boyfriend and I went out for dinner at Prezzo and enjoyed a lovely meal - myself with calamari to start and lobster pasta for main, and him with prawns to start, and a smaller portion of two pasta dishes as a main - he also went for the lobster, and also some concoction of roast veg, chicken and bacon which was lush! It was a late meal, so tired by the end of it, we went home, watched an episode of Pokemon or two, and fell asleep!

Sunday 4th May 

Work again! Nothing much interesting to report from this day. Ate too much chocolate. Came home. Saw my family then went and stayed at the boyfriends again! We were going to go to a car show the next day, however he was invited with some friends and I had work to do so I decided to come home VERY early the next morning to start on this!

Monday 5th May 

Bank holiday Monday! I worked most of the day (however getting really quite distracted in between by my beautiful baby brother!!) and spent the day mooching indoors and outdoors! In the evening I had to get all my bags and books ready for the week ahead at school! Due to there not being much teaching to be done the week ahead because of SATS, I was set a mammoth amount of planning on top of an assignment and all the other work I have to do in conjunction with my course. Woe is the life of a teacher.

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Harry Potter Tag :)

Being a MASSIVE Potter-head, I had to do this didn't I! Nearly 23 years old, trainee teacher, and I still can't resist sitting down and quoting every single word along with the film! I grew up with this stuff, it's a MASSIVE part of my childhood! So here it goes:

*****************HARRY POTTER TAG*****************

1.) What is your favorite Harry Potter book?

It's so hard to choose! Probably Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

2.) Favortie movie (so far)?

Again - SO hard to choose! Hmmmm… Maybe Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

3.) Your Favorite scene/moment overall? If you have more than one, please feel free to share!

When Hagrid opened the gateway into Diagon Alley, when Harry first arrived at Hogwarts, when Neville got his team points for being brave at the end of the first film… could go on for a list with every single film! 

4.) Your Favorite quote?


5.) What character would you totally rape/molest/etc?

When I was younger, Oliver Wood. 
And Cedric Diggory when Robert Pattinson was a bit more hygienic looking! 

6.) What house would you be in?

Obviously Gryffindor 

7.) What would your wand be?

The Elder Wand...

8.) What pet(s) would you have?

A hippogriff or a dragon. 

9.) What type of unique magical objects would you possess?

An invisibilty cloak, a broom, an undetectable extension charmed secret bag and a pair of Vanishing Cabinets! 

10.) What would your "Patronus" be?

A wolf.

11.) Any specific spells you'd know or like to know?

Accio, Incendio for those summer nights where we can't get a fire started! And spose for the old dementors - Expecto Patronum, 

12.) What would your favorite subject(s) be?

Care of Magical Creatures.

13.) What would the Room of Requirement turn into for you?

Probably a toilet, always need a wee at inappropriate times. 

14.) What type of extra activites would you partake in? EX: clubs, Quidditch, etc.

Quidditch of course! And if Hagrid needed any help with the old magical creatures I'd be there! 

15.) What would enjoy most about going to Hogwarts?

Magic… magical creatures! 

16.) If you could hang with Professor Dumbledore, what would you do?

Have a go of the Pensieve and eat sherbet lemons! 

17.) If you look in the "Mirror of Erised", what would you see?

Me winning the lottery, surrounded my friends and family in a nice house in the sun somewhere! 

18.) What would your "Boggart" be?

Giant wasp. 

19.) If you could hang with anyone at Hogwarts, who would it be?

Weasley twins! 

20.) What would you guys do?

Sneak into Hogsmeade! 

21.) Annnnnnnnnnnnd, finally would you have any special magical talents? EX: Parselmouth, Metamorphmagus, etc.

Both of those! 

I tag whoever reads this and is a fellow Potter-head! :)

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Anaface - How beautiful are you?

So I just read about this test that scientists claim can apparently tell you exactly how beautiful you are according to the geometry of your face. I found it whilst browsing through the Daily Mail online and having read the articles and one of the reviews from none other than the devil herself - Samantha Brick, I decided to give it a go. Regardless of loving comments from my bias family, boyfriend and friends, I have NEVER considered myself under the category as physically 'beautiful.' Not even bordering mildly attractive, so I wasn't expecting a fantastic result. I'm a complete and utter martyr for this kind of thing so I decided to torture myself anyway!

First of all you are asked to upload a picture of yourself (cue trawling through my Facebook profile pics trying to find a half decent one). It then asks you to pin point 17 precise markers on your face in order to measure the geometry against 'what you are supposed to look like' i.e. distance from ear to ear, eye to eye etc!

 Here's my feedback: 

You are 7.98 out of 10. Here's why: 
  • Your face has great horizontal symmetry. (not when I smile...)
  • The ratio of your nose length to ear length is nearly ideal. 
  • Compared to your eye width, your innerocular distance is nearly ideal.
  • Your nose is too wide for your face width (knew that) 
  • Your face is too narrow/too long (I always thought my face was too stumpy and square!)
  • Your nose is too wide for your mouth (knew that too - got a small mouth and a massive conk) 

Now I'm not really sure what I think of this. As much as it's flattering - 7.98 isn't bad, in fact I'm very flattered (near enough 8/10 who'd complain at scoring that?!) but what does a computer really know about what is beautiful by a few stupid measurements? I've chosen a nice photo which took about 20 snaps to be decent. Has it measured the spots on my face or my flat hair? My snaggle tooth when I smile? And what's true beauty anyway? Samantha Brick might have been told she's pretty attractive for symmetry's sake, but she's sure to score a 0.1 when it comes to measuring a decent personality - too busy talking about herself and her 'beauty' to give others a thought, a trait which is none too pretty. 

Anyway, I don't like to slam a woman too much! I'll leave the Brick alone now. If you're feeling brave, here's the link to Anaface: 

Monday, 28 April 2014

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Life as an idiot...again

I haven't just written 4 blogs in a row.

I did have another blog - 'Can I Decide Later?'

However, in an attempt to change the layout I copied what I thought was a legit html into the layout box thing, and ended up with a blank screen so neither you or I could actually view anything! So I've started this one instead.

What a kerfuffle.

Life as an idiot.

It's come to my attention that I'm genuinely stupid.

Today I turned up to a viewing at a potential school. Fellow student teachers will know the rigmarole - you turn up to introduce yourself thus kick-starting the interview process. It feels weird to apply to a school without first viewing as you need to show that you're taking interest and are actually keen to work THERE as opposed to anywhere. Well anyway. I turned up, parked in the car park, then something in the back of my brain told me to check the email ONE last time before I walk in there (even though I had genuinely read it a million times already.) The email read:

'I have booked you in a list to view on Wednesday 23rd April at 16:15pm.' to which I have replied with the standard 'looking forward to meet you' etc.

Today is Thursday 24th April, and it was16:00pm. Nearly 24 hours late, tail between my legs I decide to leave the school car park. I was in a tizz thinking about what to do - do I call them and apologise and look like an idiot? Do I not bother getting in contact at all leaving me looking rude as hell, or do I go home and send a grovelling email...? Being a teacher, you're supposed to be well organised above most other qualities - what kind of first impression is this?!

I drove about 100m down the road before biting the bullet and pulling over to call the office and apologise. After a chuckle, the receptionist spoke to the Headteacher who clearly took pity on the fool and fit me in to view the school solo.

In short, after the most awkward 20 mins of my life on a whirlwind tour where I could barely answer any of the questions the Head offered, I think I can safely say this is an interview I will not be short-listed for.

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Holiday Wishlist - Egypt 2014

Well, this post is going to be a welcome break from my lesson planning and essay editing.

I'm going to be visiting the Premier le Reve Hotel & Spa in Hurghada, Egypt, this August with my boyfriend.

First of all, can I get a wow?!

Not usually one to gloat, but I literally cannot wait to be bathing in this 5* luxury. I think after this teaching course I actually deserve this kind of break! 

Now for the wishlist... Although within the confines of the hotel it will probably be okay to wear what I like, being a predominantly Muslim country, the dress code in Egypt is very conservative. Rather than the usual crop tops/shorts that you might find a girl from Essex wearing on a normal holiday in a hot country, I'm feeling the need to stock up on some more maxi-dresses and loose fitting, cool, airy cover ups for this holiday (just feeling the need to add that I'm not someone who goes round wearing next to nothing, but I mean there will be a lack of boobs tubes and shorts above the knee!):


1. Regardless as to the words of wisdom from The Chainsmokers in the Selfie Song: "Who wears cheetah?!"I still love a bit of leopard print. I love this kimono from Missguided and it provides a nice cover up of the shoulders, and is loose fitting so won't leave me sweltering!

2. I love florals, I love dresses, shoulders are covered and this will look great with a tan by the end of the week! :) Also from Missguided! (I LOVE this website, I'm sure you'll notice this!) 

3. Now these wouldn't be included in my usual attire at all, but if I'm going to need some loose, pretty trousers to wear on holiday then these Topshop tapered trousers are the ones. If we decide to venture out from the hotel to visit markets or take part in any organised excursions (which we will if I have my way), then these will be ideal teamed with a light, loose fitted white shirt or kimono, though not the aforementioned leopard one - tragic print clash!

4. A pretty little floral New Look bikini - because who doesn't need a cute new bikini before every holiday? (I already have 14... but a new one to the collection won't hurt!)

5. Finally, also from New Look, this cute little peachy coloured clutch bag would look nice with plenty of outfits! Having recently ruined my one remaining light coloured bag with a spillage of bronzer, I need to add a new one to my bag collection and what better excuse than a holiday to buy one! 

Introductory blog - catharsis

Hello there! 

My name is Emily and I am 22. My 23rd birthday is slowly creeping up on me and I'm not entirely happy with this - I'm not keen on odd numbers.   

  As for the name of my blog for the moment 'Can I decide later?' - this pretty much sums me up. Never one for being able to make an executive decision, I have come to the conclusion, as usual, that I will decide later. On that note, to be honest I'm not entirely sure where this blog is going to take me. I don't have a set direction with what I am going to be writing about - maybe it will take form as some kind of catharsis from my 7 day a week working life. I more than likely will not be writing often due to the work load I have somehow burdened myself with. Many of you write about health and beauty & travel, and whilst this is what would probably gain me popularity, I just don't have the time and money to be able to post anything worthwhile very often! If you catch me with my hair looking less than a birds nest, then it is one of the rare occurrences where I have had enough time to work on it! Most of the time I am slapping my make-up on in the car every time I stop at the traffic lights. Not entirely legal but I try to get it mostly done when the car is immobile. 

  I'm a trainee teacher and my life is completely and utterly eclipsed with an ever growing amount of planning, evaluating, reflecting, assessing myself, assessing pupil progress, target setting, revising the new National Curriculum, making resources, writing essays for the University side of the training ON TOP OF classroom work, reading education theory and all of the above over, and over again. I suppose you're now probably thinking to yourselves "Then how has she got the time to sit and write this blog?!" Well, I am at a natural break point. It is the first day of the Easter holidays and I am rewarding myself with some productive procrastination after writing almost 4000 words of a 6000 word essay.

  ASIDE from what has turned in to a pretty negative moan off in my introduction, I am quite a bright and chirpy person. I have a large and very animated family - I live with my grandparents, my sister and my uncle is also living with us for a while. My mum and baby brother also visit on a daily basis. He is just three and I'm entirely sure he is going to be a genius child prodigy. I'm sure many of my posts will probably centre on him in the future. I also have 2 more uncles and 2 aunts whom I am in regular contact with. I have a very supportive and loyal bunch of friends who appreciate that I am going through a tough time with my University work and a weekend job and are supportive of the fact that I'm not in as much contact as I used to be. I also need to thank my boyfriend for the same - the poor guy gets the brunt of a hard day at school or work. It will get easier guys - I'll be back... in a year or so!

  I am a fan of perfume, pink, glitter, toiletries, candles, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Breaking Bad, Vampire Diaries (Ian Somerhalder being a huge factor of my love for this programme,) Trueblood, puppies, animals in general, fairytales, reading (books/magazines/papers etc - the lot!), Disney films, 80's music, EDM, House music, wine, vodka and food and lots more!